A Maze of Maize

Hello World!

I’ve always wanted to start a blog, but it’s such a daunting idea to put your thoughts out there for the world to see. It helps to know that not too many people will come across this anyhow, so I’ve decided to embark on this journey!

I was actually planning on using Ghost since their default theme is beautiful, but it looks like none of my hosting options support it at the moment. Thanks to Jekyll and a base template called Poole, this doesn’t look too shabby either.

The name of this blog, A Maze of Maize*, was a phrase that just popped into my head the other day. I’ve always liked wordplay (not surprising if you know that I love reading Nabokov), especially the use of near-homophones. I remember one of my earlier screen handles being violent-violets; embarrassing, I know.

If you’ve somehow found your way here, do take a look around. I hope you enjoy your stay within the recesses of my mind.

*Disclaimer: I am aware that the cover photo does not actually depict maize, but I was quite tired of scrolling after spending five minutes on unsplash.com.